How to Calculate Click Through Rate: Quick and Easy CTR Calculation

how to calculate click though rate
The click through rate (CTR) in Google Analytics forever remains a fundamental metric to keep your eye on. Well, it is the CTR that helps you monitor and evaluate the performance of your online campaigns, pages and content. Honestly, the Google Analytics CTR is often a more reliable way to gauge your campaign’s success as compared to simply counting the number of clicks and impressions on a campaign or page. Considering how much we have discussed the click through rate in Google Analytics, you do know what it means, affects, and how to optimize it. This time around, we’ll be discussing CTR with some examples. Plus, we’ll go deeper into how to calculate the click through rate in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step manner.  Of course, there are many tools to calculate the CTR. Sometimes though, you do need to manually calculate it. If you know how to calculate the click through rate on your own, you’ll never struggle to get this important calculation. Let’s get straight to it then.

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Quick Overview of Click Through Rate 

Click through rate is basically the ratio of your campaign’s or page’s ad impressions to the number of clicks. Let’s just say Company XYZ is running two Google ads at the moment: ad A and ad B. Now ad A gets about 600 views and receives about 100 clicks in say 1 week. Ad B, on the other hand, receives about 1000 views, and 200 clicks in the same time period. Ad B was successful in receiving more clicks and ad impressions. It so seems that ad B was able to engage the users, and delivered better results. The reality is, however, a little different.  While ad B had higher clicks and more impressions than ad A, its ratio of clicks to impressions aka the click through rate was not very high too. Click through rate = Number of clicks/ number of impressions Click through rate of ad A = 100/ 600 Click through rate of ad A = 0.1667 Click through rate of ad B = 200/ 1000 Click through rate of ad B = 0.2 The click through rate of ad A is 0.1667 and that of ad B is 0.2. While the Google Analytics CTR of ad B is still higher than that of ad A, the difference is not that huge. This is why it is critical to measure the click through rate of a campaign, landing page, link etc. so you can have a clearer insight into its performance.

How to Calculate the Click Through Rate?

Whether you want to calculate the click through rate in Google Analytics, or elsewhere, the process is quite simple.

An important point to note is that there exist three different variations of the CTR.

  • Organic CTR: This is the click through rate of the organic search engine result pages, basically those on Google.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) CTR: This refers to the click through rate from all the PPC ads in a campaign.
  • Email CTR: This is the click through rate received from the different email-based activities which includes email marketing campaigns and newsletters.

Generally, these are the three main types of click through rates that marketers and business owners check to measure a campaign’s effectiveness.

But how to calculate the click through rate? Let’s discuss that.

  • First, you need to open Google Analytics and the respective campaign or page you want to calculate the CTR of.
  • Select a particular time period of which you want to measure the click through rate.
  • Next, locate the ad impressions, and extract all the data.
  • Following that, export all the data related to the ad clicks.
  • You could add all this data in an Excel sheet or a Google spreadsheet.
  • Calculate the sum of the impressions and clicks individually.
  • Apply the formula to ‘CTR =(Clicks/Impressions)*100’ and you will have the CTR in front of you.

Just follow these steps, and you’ll have no trouble in calculating the Google Analytics CTR. 

Now that you know how to calculate the click through rate, practice calculating it repeatedly. The more you practice, the better you’ll get at it. In a few weeks alone, you’d be able to judge a campaign’s click through rate only by glancing at its impressions and clicks.

Why Calculate the Click Through Rate in Google Analytics?

Calculating the Google Analytics CTR is crucial because that’s how you’d know whether the ratio of ad impressions to clicks is high or not. When the click through rate is high, it indicates your audience can relate to the ad or content. As they find the ad more relatable, they feel the urge to click on it too. So yes, a high click through rate is definitely what you want.

It is obviously crucial that more people see your ad too. That said, impressions or views alone aren’t enough to achieve your ultimate goal—real-time sales and a high conversion rate. 

On the contrary, CTR is indeed a good indicator of whether or not your audience is actually interested in your offering. If your offering, be it a product or a service intrigues your audience, captivates their attention, or fulfills a certain need, more people will click on its corresponding link.

In case your offer fails to touch a chord with your target market, it will reflect in the shape of a low click through rate in Google Analytics. Ideally you are looking for a high CTR. But if your campaign’s CTR is constantly low, it indicates you need to optimize the webpage’s or campaign’s content, visuals and other aspects.

Calculating the click through rate helps you understand:

  • The kind of content that works for your audience
  • The ad copy your audience finds compelling
  • The kind of visuals your target audience enjoys
  • The type of visuals and ad copy that persuades your users to click on a link
  • The kind of improvements you need to make in a campaign/ content
  • The technical issues in a page if its CTR is dropping low

Once you start fixing these issues, your Google Analytics CTR is quite likely to get better. It is important that you measure your campaign’s CTR on a regular basis, daily is better but weekly is good enough too. As you get the numbers, analyze that campaign’s visuals, copy and other details so you can fine-tune it accordingly.

Improve Your Click Through Rate with ITechSole

ITechSole is a leading digital marketing agency catering to the marketing needs of businesses across the globe. We have a team of analytical and marketing experts who have a way with improving your click through rate in Google Analytics.

Whether you are struggling to have a high organic CTR, increase your email CTR, or want your campaign’s PPC CTR to constantly improve, we are here to help you.

Get in touch with us to always keep your click-through rate growing.

Call Now/ Book Free Consultation


What is the formula to calculate the click through rate?

The formula to calculate the click through rate is: 

Click through rate = Number of clicks/ number of impressions

To calculate the click share, divide the number of clicks by the estimated number of clicks you anticipated to receive.

You can find multiple click through rate calculators online. Simply add in your number of clicks and impressions in the calculator, and it will provide you with the CTR within seconds.
